Magneto (Marvel Legends)

Marvel Legends Magneto
As the Halloween vibe slowly fades and closets begin to hide costumes that may not be recycled for next year's trick or treat, Magi is still in the mood to give us one more fright! A fright that would drive us insane... this time in the form of poor sculpting and articulation. Announced 4 months ago, Magneto is part of the X-men Infinite Series Jubilee Build-A-Figure Wave along with other X-men characters in this Toys R Us Exclusive. I was quite excited- Marvel Legends having a second shot at this Magneto with Hasbro, and was hoping it would rectify the mistakes done by Toy Biz. But to my dismay, it didn't and I just can't control my head from shaking every time I see this... total murder and debauchery of an iconic X-men character.

Let me get us straight to the point- the face sculpt is horrendous! He got this huge gap between his eyes, too big of a nose and swollen chin to the point where he looked as though someone drove a battering ram to his face. The face sculpt captured no resemblance at all to the character. Magneto's cape is too long that it's almost hitting the ground, and... oh that feet looks abnormally huge! And having the Ultimate Captain America body mold (which is not my favourite by the way) is just adding insult to the injury. As you can see, this body mold has a depressed stomach that looks unnatural and strange. Everything just looked terribly strange with this Magneto! The only good thing about him is the sculpt on his pliable cape that's done nicely.

Paint-wise, I honestly don't have complains about it. The choice and application of colours is accurate. No paint defects or anything that would look like it's being painted by the same person who did the sculpt.

Magneto's cape of great lengths is detachable/re-attachable and what's also nice about it is that it's being supported by a peg; making it more stable and it doesn't move whenever you try to lean him in an angle while doing a flying pose.

The main reason why this body mold is not my favourite it's because of the articulation it cradles. Just like Ultimate Captain America, Magneto doesn't have hinges to bend the wrists. His hips are on hinged ball-joints which is not as good as the T-joints. He has waist rotation but, of course its movement is limited due to his wide belt. He got an ab crunch and ball-hinged shoulders that are limited due to that cape. Elbows and knees are double-jointed and that gigantamonious feet have hinges plus ankle rockers.

It's sad to know that Hasbro didn't quite learn the mistakes with the first Magneto we had from Toy Biz. In fact, this new Marvel Legends Magneto is really not an improvement from the previous. Hasbro's version of the Classic Magneto also has it's own version hideousity. This figure is an absolute letdown in which a recommendation is not needed. You may buy and get him just to fill that roster of X-men action figures but keeping would be a big no!

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