Hawkeye - Classic (Marvel Legends)

Marvel Legends Classic Hawkeye
What's suppose to be part of Series 5 (Rocket Raccoon Build-A-Figure Wave) is now part of the Infinite Series Odin Wave. The Marvel Legends Classic Hawkeye is one of those highly anticipated figure back when it got first announced and was presumed "lost" when it took months and months for Hasbro to release him. Now I finally get to see and hold this figure after a stroke of luck hit me when I was grocery shopping at my local Target store. I was lucky indeed because I found not only just Hawkeye... but the whole crew in this set, let alone the fact that there's only a few of these sold in Canada.

At the back of the package, it will tell you what action figures or characters are part of this Series and the Build-A-Figure parts that comes with each figure. Hawkeye comes with Odin or King Thor's torso.

As far as I could remember, the Classic Hawkeye never had a purple bow and used a more simpler bow rather than a modern one. You can check the Marvel Select Hawkeye to see which bow I'm referring, but the colour scheme over his suit is perfect. The only part that really grinds my gears is his purple left arm, which again got no resemblance to the Classic.

While I believe the ML Bucky Cap body mold is the perfect choice for Hawkeye, but the Winter Soldier left arm looked just outrageous. No matter how you look at it, it seems like Hawkeye has now a mechanical arm, which is much leaner than his "non-mechanical" arm. Otherwise the sculpting on the rest of his body is okay.

It doesn't take a minute what accessories this dude comes with. It's just a shame that for the third time, Hasbro didn't give this guy arrows which he can hold between his fingers. You can see arrow fletchings that are permanently molded on top of his quiver but never an arrow, which could add some playability to this 6-inch scale figure.

Hawkeye has a removable chest armour, belt and loin cloth piece merged together into one, which is quite ingenious. However, the chest armour part didn't follow the contours of his shoulders very well making it look as if it's floating over his shoulder as well as making his neck short. We can only hope it's fixable with the "hot water trick".

The articulation for this figure is not something we should be crazy about especially now that we've seen it numerous times. There is no joints or hinges added with this standard issue Bucky Cap or Black Panther body mold.

Between the Modern and the Classic Hawkeye, I prefer the Classic one to be displayed together with my Marvel Legends collection. He got that superheroic vibe to it that make him stand out unlike the Modern Jeremy Renner-type of look. It's one of the reasons why Legends collectors were not so pleased when Hasbro didn't release this running change. Overall, the figure is likeable regardless of issues that are almost unforgivable.

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