Luke Skywalker (in Battle Poncho) (POTF 1985)

Seriously? “Battle Poncho?” This is, in all probability, the only time you will associate battles with ponchos. Han gets a cool trenchcoat on Endor, and Luke gets a effeminate battle poncho. It’s for camouflage, but who doesn’t want to look cool while trying to infiltrate a secret Imperial shield bunker?
BP Luke comes with the same pistol (molded in black) as Jedi Luke does, and a cloth poncho with a utility belt to cinch it. His helmet is not removable, but under the poncho is the same black outfit as the Jedi Luke figure (when I do the Jedi Luke posting I’ll retroactively link it here). Where is the frickin’ lightsaber? I mean, really, he cuts a speeder bike in half while it’s flying! BP Luke comes only on a POTF card.
Why should you own this figure? Five reasons:
1. The only chance to get a Luke figure without a lightsaber. Wait. That’s no reason…
2. Your excuse to get another speeder bike.
3. Poncho fever – catch it!
4. The only Luke figure goofy enough to be seen in the Ewok Village.
5. POTF – rare, collect them all!
Well, Luke is obviously wearing this outfit for Endorflage, but his full Wookieepedia article is here.

105th in alphabetical order

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