Well Zombie: The Walking Dead (McFarlane Toys)

The Walking Dead: Well Zombie
Humpty Dumpty got bitten by a zombie, and just before he turned to one of them, he had a great fall deep into the well of doom,... and turned into something like this guy! Once you separate this action figure into two pieces, it's just like looking at a brown "disfigured" egg cracked open but with all its entrails coming off from its cavity. Mmm... Now there's an idea from me on how you should paint your eggs for Easter; Walking Dead-style!

This Well Zombie appeared probably somewhere in the mid-episodes of The Walking Dead: Season 2, where Shane, Glenn and a few others saw this overweight walker trapped inside a well. They lured it with a "meatloaf on a hook", which turned out not working for this fresh meat-lover. So they used Glenn to go inside the well and skillfully tied its upper body with a knot. And just as they knew they were about to pull this walker out, its soft and rotten belly started tearing apart,... and then the ugly part came.

This action figure lets you relive and re-imagine that scene; letting you able to expose and eviscerate its guts as much as you wish, but then you'll probably just stop playing with it for a second because of how these enormous amount of sculpt and paint details could mesmerize you. Regardless of how accurate the sculpt and paint application is in relation to the T.V. show, you cannot hate McFarlane Toys for making the Well Zombie appear as real as possible.

Unlike any other Walking Dead action figure zombies, the Well Zombie seem to stand out because of its unique body type and variety of skin deformities and alterations. You can see some skin folds hanging loose around its face, arms, belly and back. There are bite marks, bullet marks, skin tears, abrasions and ulcers all over its skin surface with blood kind of oozing out from its wounds. Never seen such a zombie with a whole lot of skin problems that may give any woundcare expert such a hard time. In addition, the Well Zombie has this rope sculpted and molded across its nipple line and to the back where it meets with a "real rope" that's just hanging behind it.

On top of its head, you can see some fine hairlines being sculpted, which is nicely done. However, there are no distinctive colours applied to its hair, and I know a lot of people thought the Well Zombie is a baldy but no... McFarlane just completely painted its head with flesh tones. Another complain I have are these peg holes at the rim of its ripped belly that suppose to lock the pegs whenever you need to "re-assemble" this walker. I guess those are the only complain I have with this figure. As for the rest of it, especially the abdominal cavity with all its entrails, is absolutely amazing.

There are a couple of accessories that comes with this walker. It got this meatloaf with this fishing rod and hook tied all around it, and then you got this attachable/re-attachable well-detailed intestine that you can plug in and out at the lower half of the cavity. And I have this Well Zombie lay there with its guts all over the place and.... uuugggghh! This dude is so messed up.

The Walking Dead figures are not really known for its high amount of articulation. You can never get this dude to climb on stairs, throw a right jab or do a somersault! It's strictly for display like a vase in your living room. So this is going to be short..., Well Zombie's head aims and turns to the lower left and upper right. It got ball-jointed shoulders that lets its shoulders raise up with some limits. It got single-jointed elbows with ball-joints that lets it rotate, and has hinges to the wrists that lets you move its hands up and down. No waist swivel; it only has thigh cuts at the lower part that are not even worth mentioning.

This walker stands about 4.8 inches tall; just a little shorter compared to Michonne's pet zombie which, I believe, is a reasonable height. I think this Well Zombie is one of the iconic zombie-characters in The Walking Dead universe. I've been watching this show since Season 1, so if you're a fan like me, grab not only the DVD's but also these figures. Friends would surely envy you for it.

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