Sabretooth (Marvel Legends)

Marvel Legends Sabretooth
Hasbro needs to be reminded that Sabretooth is not suppose to appear like a sexy body builder. It seems like on this one, they toned down his savagery. For all I know, he suppose to look like "the king of the jungle" or the Wolfman! This little grimmace over his face can no way scare a Jubilee in a dark alley. I don't know what Hasbro was thinking but apparently, they used the Luke Cage or the Hyperion body mold, which made this action figure incredibly macho and I still couldn't get my eyes to get used to it.

Sabretooth is part of the Wolverine Marvel Legends or Puck Build-A-Figure Series that comes with Puck's baby-sized head. He stands almost 7 inches tall and compared to the Marvel Select Sabretooth, right away you can tell that the Select is the better version between the two. I'm not saying that the sculpt on this figure is bad. I mean if you look at all the muscle folds, the bumps and the curves along with these creases around his costume, they are well proportioned and didn't come short on details.

However, this body mold is incompatible on Sabretooth. The body mold worked well with Luke Cage, but with Sabretooth? To me, he looked some kind of an exercise/fitness guru we see on TV. Both his hands are on a "claw-attack" mode, like that of Black Panther yet bigger... but don't have pointy claws, it's a shame! Moreover, he doesn't have that big white fur that goes at the back of the neck like the Select one, which could have added some good points to the sculpt. He has a decent head sculpt, though I think this modern look could get Wolverine more or less intimidated.

I like the lighter orange and brown colour scheme on this Marvel Legends Sabretooth, which for most part, reminds me of the original classic version. But like most Hasbro Marvel Legends, nothing on this paint would ever get you excited. The colours are flat with no paint variation or shading. The funny thing is Sabretooth has this weird brown nail polish, which could have been better with gloves and again, with the claws.

The amount of joints is equal to that of the Luke Cage Marvel Legends. The neck is ball-hinged that can let his head move at any direction. Ball-hinged shoulders that allows Sabretooth to raise his arms to the front, back and to the sides. He got swivel to the biceps, double-jointed elbows and ball-hinged wrists useful for his "claw-attack" pose. He got an ab crunch and waist swivel at the torso. Sabretooth got T-joints that allows him to kick. His legs have upper thigh swivel, double-jointed knees, calf swivel, hinged ankles and ankle pivot.

In the 6-inch category, I honestly recommend the Toy Biz Marvel Legends Sabretooth more likely than this Sabretooth, because this newer one doesn't really captured an accurate rendition of his features. The Marvel Legends Puck Series Sabretooth may be a good thing to have just for comparison or if you're a huge fan of this character, then I suggest this one should be part of your collection.

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