Lumat (ROTJ 1983-84)

Lumat, just like Warok (what do you mean all Ewoks look alike? What are you racist?), came with a bow, a quiver, and a cowl. He also came on both ROTJ and POTF cards. By this time I don’t think I need to tell you which one is rarer. He was not a prominent Ewok in the movies, so I can’t just say “he was the one who…” It doesn’t really matter with Star Wars figures, however, since many of the characters made into figures did not have any lines, or were on screen for about 15 seconds.

Why should you get this figure? Five reasons:
1. Own a piece of history as they change his origin! (see the Wookieepedia entry)

2. Too many Ewok things, so few Ewoks to man them.

3. Your girlfriend likes the Ewoks. Your girlfriend sucks.

4. Relive the harrowing moment when Lumat discovers his stormtrooper bloodlust!

5. You’ve got serious Ewok fever, and it can only be quenched with…Lumat!


Lumat was the chief woodcutter for the Ewok tribe. In the movies he was just one of many background characters. The Customizable Card Game now shows Lumat as a different Ewok, with stripes. No word yet on if this figure will ever be redone in the new line, and if it will be the original grey or stripes. Do we really care?

His Wookieepedia entry.

111th in alphabetical order
 Kegger Physics 

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