Huntress: Hush (DC Direct)

DC Direct Hush Huntress
This what always comes into my mind every time I see superheroines wearing less textileries and more skin exposure, and it doesn't really require me to do alot of mental straining. It's "marketing strategy", believe me. Ever been to Hooters? Anyways, one of my favourite superheroines, Huntress has been opening alot of windows for male locker room talks as effectively as her belly-windowing uniform since 2003. And for me, this is alot easier on the eyes especially with this accurate rendition of the Jim Lee-style Hush version with its neat paint job and great sculpt... and her mind-blowing curves.

Clearly, with her lack of articulation, this Huntress is your typical art-display action figure that may look pretty on your shelf. If you want a Huntress that can deliver a number of fighting poses, then this one here is not for you.

The paint detail looks pretty simple but the way the colours are applied is just flawless- with little smudges or any imperfections. Looking closely on her purple armguards, knee pads and boots, there's all these tiny sparkles and grains of purplish sand but it feels very smooth. And I find this rare and unique on a figure while the rest of the parts are painted with solid purple, black, white and fleshy colours.

Starting with the head, you can see how her dark flowing hair is sculpted beautifully, and how part of her bangs kinda went above her mask and her face. Nothing more I could say about her face sculpt but the perfect face sculpt on a female action figure (comic book-wise). You can see the orientation of her hips are kinda swayed to the right while her left toes are half-flexed. So the only recommendable pose this figure can do is a "walking pose." Huntress carries this grappling gun that is molded together with her hand just as her utility belt and holsters are molded around her hips and thighs.

Though Huntress has the likeness of your average DC Universe action figure, her articulation is not as many as those guys. But in fairness, she is more articulated than Ninja Spawn of McFarlane Toys. Her head can turn side to side probably within a 60 degree arc. Shoulders can move forward and back. She got single-jointed elbows and no wrist articulation as well as none on her torso. Her thighs can move foward and back and she has single-jointed knees but no articulation on her ankles.

Before moving on to her accessories, Huntress has this nice and soft, and very pliable cape hanging around her back, and this for me, should be a standard for any cape-wearing superheroes. So... she comes with this metallic looking Bo staff that you can slip right through her left hand grasp. Also, she comes with this Batman base for you to stay away from having a hard time standing her up with her own feet! Honestly, it took me half an hour to finish her photo shoot because her "foot issue."

Standing at about 6.2 inches tall, I'd totally recommend her if you're all into statue-like action figures. I believe you'll definitely love the way this figure is sculpted and painted, and looked as if she came out from a comic book. And if you're more into DC stuff, of course, Huntress would be a great addition.

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