Electro: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Marvel Legends)

Marvel Legends Electro (Spider-Man 2)
I was completely shocked when I first heard that Jamie Foxx would be Electro and then I asked, "does that mean that he is going to wear the yellow and green spandex?" But thankfully, no- him being on that goofy spandex would be utterly awkward. I'm glad the film maker decide to go with the Ultimate Electro or at least something like that version, which perfectly fits for him. But in terms of tying the Spider-Man 2 movie to Hasbro's Marvel Legends, they could have at least given collectors and people like me who grew up reading earlier Spider-Man comic books a classic Electro running change. That would have been awesome. Although I'm not too familiar with this new version of Electro, but I still dig it.

The most beaming highlight of this figure is his accessories. Having no weapon or any kind of wieldable object, Hasbro made up for it by adding more interchangeable parts, which this company doesn't normally do but I'm glad they made this decision! Electro got interchangeable heads; the original head, which is your Electro head on default mode and the other head that looked much like the original but got this electricity creeping out from his eyes.

Another interchangeable parts he got are the hands. You can switch his hands from these normal fisting hands to these ala-Sith Lord looking hands with electricity surging from his fingertips. The hands are made with this semi-translucent blue plastic with a bit of paint wash to make it sort of "glowing". But the more I look at it, the more I think of those Ents with their "root-like fingers" in The Lord of the Rings. But don't get me wrong, they're very well done!

Like I said, I'm not too familiar of this version of Electro, let alone the movie hasn't been released just yet. So I can't really tell you if this figure got that rendition of the character from the comic or from the movie. One thing that is obvious though is that the face didn't have much resemblance to Jamie Foxx. It looked to me like Iceman! Also, one thing that caught my attention is the texturing somewhere around the torso that looked a lot like he burned his own suit from giving off electricity. Electro has these bolts sticking like barnacles on his shoulders and some at the back. So if I come to think of it and compare this new Electro with the classic Electro, I must say that the new one is pretty intimidating and got some serious attitude.

I am not quite impressed with the paint job of this figure. I presume they just basically painted the entire body with black and applied this baby blue wash over his arms, shoulders, and chest to make it look sophisticated but it is not. They painted these things sticking around Electro's head clean and straight with a glossier black. And I actually don't have any more to say about the paint details on this guy.

The articulation though is gorgeous. It got the same type of articulation as the ML Black Panther. His shoulder movement can be of a problem due to these "barnacles" over his shoulders. Electro got a head that can rotate 360 and moves up and down thanks to this ball and socket joint at the neck. He got ball-hinged shoulders, swivel to biceps and wrists, and double-jointed elbows. His torso got an ab crunch with some decent range and a waist swivel. He got this T-jointed hip, which is my favourite! Swivel to the upper-thighs, double-jointed knees, swivel to the boot cut, pivoting hinged ankles are also incorporated.

As much as I love the yellow and green Electro, I still think this new Electro deserves to be in your collection. He got the touch of modernity and real-world vibe into him, and so I can't complain why everyone in the film industry deviated from the classic. Again, this is a well-scaled Marvel Legends action figure standing at 6.3 inches tall. If you're trying to complete the Ultimate Green Goblin figure, then might as well as get him for the Build-A-Figure piece.

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