Boar Predator (NECA)

NECA Boar Predator
So here it is- a Predator action figure (finally) from NECA, and this is the first action figure from this toyline ever being posted in this blog. I'm not really into collecting NECA figures but I guess there is that little exception, especially if it's something you've always been a fan of... like the Predator! If you've never had any figures from McFarlane Toys or NECA, then you should know that in the sculpt and paint app department, they are unbeatable; not even my Marvel Selects could come any near to the enormous amount of details these figures have.

Though basically all these Predators looked almost the same, and perhaps use the same type of gadgets and weaponry, this Boar Predator (and I honestly don't know which Predator movie he came from) is my least favourite maybe because of the design on his mask and the way these spots around his skin are being placed. It's kinda funny how we can identify each Predators basing from their masks, and skin pigmentations or spots somewhat like fingerprints. Every Predator should wear mask different from one another; guess that's just part of their "Predator culture".

To start with, we always want to zero in right away on the mask 'cause this is what the Predator is famous for along with that Whoopi Goldberg-hairstyle. On its wide forehead, you see this bronze paint being applied on top of these two indented domes, which gives the Boar Predator his unique feature. Then you have these hair clips hanging all over his hair each painted with either silver, bronze or copper. His back is all covered with crimson down to the butt, but when you look at the front, this is where you see a variety of pigmentations. The Boar Predator has his armour and weapon (has only one), of course, all painted with metallic silver.

The sculpt is equally amazing as the paint! Holes, dimples and scratch marks can be seen all over this Predator's mask, shoulder guards, wrist bands and shin guards; looking like he has gone through rough hunting. That epic hair is made of a softer plastic, so it actually wiggles everytime you shake his head and it doesn't hinder with head movement. Like most Predators, he has this fish net molded and indented around his torso and legs. And with a well-proportioned body mold, this Predator can easily become one of those head turners on my display.

Moving on to accessories, some of these gadgets and paraphernalias are just less exciting and less playable, and I'm just bummed knowing that you can't remove the mask... and there's no shoulder cannon! Predators should have shoulder cannons- these are their bread and butter in every hunting field they're in. This dude only comes with the disc, which is, in my opinion, one of the coolest weapons ever created in Hollywood. Then, of course, you got the disc holster glued at the thigh, which holds his weapon as you latch it in. With an awesome weapon, comes "trophies" and this Predator is actually wearing them around his chest.

Surprisingly, the articulation on this guy is not as bad as I've thought. I must admit that I'm always geared to thinking that the more detailed an action figure is, the less they become poseable, and I was eating my words the moment I played with its articulation. This action figure got ankle pivots- ankle pivots that Diamond Select can't incorporate with some of their own action figures. To give a complete count, the Boar Predator has ball-jointed neck, ball-hinged shoulders, single-jointed elbows, ball-hinged wrists, waist swivel, ball-jointed hips, double-jointed knees and ball-hinged ankles.

So standing next to an average Marvel Legends figure, this guy is a little on the larger scale and neither Legends or Select would be compatible with this guy. But probably with other NECA toys, he'll be in perfect scale with them. Now should I recommend? Why yes, of course! With some decent articulation and a huge huge amount aesthetic details, I say grab this one and the rest of these NECA Predators.

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