Black Bolt (Marvel Legends: SDCC Exclusive)

Marvel Legends Black Bolt (SDCC Exclusive)
Of all the action figures that came inside this Thanos Imperative boxset, Black Bolt is the only figure that rendered me speechless- literally gave me the idea of what it feels like not to speak or even clear my throat... like Black Bolt! This is the guy who has the power of destroying your house with just a single whisper. A loud scream can destroy the entire moon (they say), thus this silent type of guy that he is. To compare this SDCC Exclusive Black Bolt with the first Marvel Legends Black Bolt figure we had from the Nemesis Build-A-Figure Wave, this one here looked a lot better but still hasn't fixed that one major issue- his wings!

This time, Hasbro went with these sturdy plastic for Black Bolt's folding fan-like wings which is actually a good decision. However, these non-retractable and/or non-removable wings doesn't give you many good-looking poses. It seems like the only way to make a striking "Black Bolt pose" is to get his arms raised sidewards. But by having him stand upright and straight just makes my eyes sore. With these plastic wings sticking out at the back of his arms, it is as ugly as those silky cloth wings of the old Black Bolt. Hasbro could have thought of a better idea than this one.

Just right before you take him out of the package, you'll know that this is yet another Marvel Legends Bucky Cap or Black Panther being utilized again! I'm starting to think this is the go-to body mold for laziness and a situation where they run out of ideas. And since this is a Comic Con Exclusive, I believe it would have been great if Hasbro introduced a newer body type but instead we got this one, which is being reused, remodelled and recycled for years. The only features they added are the wings at his armpits and that tuning fork sticking up on his forehead. Otherwise, nothing changed- it's all Bucky Cap's.

There is nothing really much to say about the application of paint on this figure. As simple as the way his suit looks in the comics, 85% of this figure is covered in black. Running along his shoulders and torso, and across his waist is this metallic silver paint zigzagged in an orderly symmetric fashion. His wings and that tuning fork are silver painted as well, while the exposed skin on his face is painted flesh. There are no paint wash, colour shadings or whatsoever- it's probably a little tricky when you have a character all dressed in black to be translated into a 6-inch action figure, and so I got no problem with it's simplicity.

If you aren't tired reading yet another same old information about it's articulation, then there is no reason for you to skip this part. If the body mold being used is the same, so as the joints and the hinges. It's entirely the same as with our ML Black Panther and ML Hawkeye. What I really hoped for are articulated collapsable wings that the ML Archangel have for Black Bolt. That would have been mind blowing especially for this SDCC Exclusive action figure!

If I have to choose between the one from Nemesis Wave and this Thanos Imperative Set Black Bolt, there would be no second thoughts that I'm going for this one! Even with the hopes of giving it a newer body mold, I think the Black Panther mold works for him. I got no gripes with the paint job. The only thing that irritates me are these wings. Overall, it is a decent figure but not the best. "3 Stars" if I want to give it a rating.

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