A First Look at the Mattel Man Of Steel Movie Masters

I've been waiting for a long time for this. Finally, Mattel's Man Of Steel Movie Masters Toy Line is revealed. The Movie Masters Toy Line first originated during The Dark Knight Movie (The second Batman movie from Chris Nolan's epic Dark Knight Trilogy). The highly successful movie and toy line gave Mattel the strong resolve to follow up the release through the Green Lantern movie (I'll be reviewing this soon). Unfortunately, Green Lantern crashed and burn in the box office, the movie masters to line suffered the same. Mattel though bounced back through the third and final Nolan Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises. Both the movie and toy line proved to be successful. With that in mind, Mattel hopes to replicate that success via Man of Steel. So far the movie looks quite good (it blew me apart, really) basing on the trailer that was attached to the Dark Knight Rises movie (trailer is attached above). And just the same, the Movie Masters Toy Line is going to blow a lot of Superman fans and toy collector alike. See for yourself below, the Movie Masters Action Figure of Superman, Jor El, and General Zod.

Henry Cavill as Superman

Russell Crow as Jor El

Michael Shannon as General Zod

4 inch Superman Man of Steel Action Figure
For sure, the Movie Masters figures will feature similar articulations with the Dark Knight and Movie Masters action figures. But for the basic line, I'm slightly disappointed though that they opted to continue with their godawful basic 4 inch action figures that first began with Green Lantern. I preferred the 5 inch ones from the Superman Returns toy lines. But doesn't matter, I might pick up this 4 inch one just the same. Will be reviewing the Superman Returns toy line pretty soon (you could check out one Superman Returns action figure with a Man of Steel colored suit here), as my countdown to the Man of Steel movie winds down. But for the meantime, check out my Comics Based Superman Action Figure Reviews. Each week, I'll be featuring a 6 inch Superman Action Figure, highlighting the figure's background, it's appearance in the comics, as well as it's historical significance in the Superman mythology. A complete list of the reviews that I've done so far can be seen below:

1.) Joe Shuster Superman
2.)Curt Swan Superman
3.)Frank Miller Superman
4.)John Byrne Superman
5.)Hasbro Superman
6.)Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Superman

Watch out for more reviews in the coming weeks!

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