Squid Head (ROTJ 1983-84)

Now, even being a minor character - in the film, very minor - you have to admit that the action figure for Squid Head is actually pretty well done. The head, the bulky hands, the figure-trimming metal corset (or whatever the heck that thing is).

Squid Head comes with a blaster pistol that is grey, but is the same mold as used for the Lando and Bespin Guard figures. Squidee (as his friends call him) was only released on a ROTJ card, but was one of the first ROTJ figs released. Squid Head had some nice cloth robes, and the metal "corset" could be removed.

Why should you own this figure? Five reasons:

1. As therapy reference for those things that used to abduct you at night.

2. The best representation of a squid in head form...ever.

3. Again, as said many times before, your Jabba diorama is not complete without this figure. At least until your girlfriend makes you take it down.

4. C'mon - the name? So ridiculous you have to get him.

5. The patron figure of accountants (see below) and Cthulu fans.


Squid Head is a Quarren called Tessek. Quarrens actually originate from the same planet as Calamarians (Admiral Ackbar), Mon Calamari. Tessek had to flee his homeworld after an Imperial invasion. He ended up as an accountant for Jabba, and, like many of his acquaintances, planned the Hutt's death. He didn't get the chance to kill Jabba, but he did manage to escape the sand barge just in time.

Want more? His Wookieepedia article

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