Speeder Bike Vehicle (ROTJ)

Nothing underscores Kenner’s naivete about “nothing sells an item like including a figure with it” more than the Speeder Bike. In the original line no figure was included with anything – they were all sold separately” AT-AT Drivers, TIE Pilots, A-Wing & B-Wing Pilots, and, of course, Biker Scouts. This was the smallest vehicle which had a specific “driver” for it, yet it still didn’t come with one in the same package. Oh, well, Hasbro obviously learned their lessons from Kenner's Star Wars and made up for it with G.I. Joe. Heck, every other vehicle in that line came with a figure (and Hasbro bought Kenner - just sayin').

The toy came in ROTJ box, and featured a “blow apart” feature. It also nicely balanced on its two “legs” when at rest, despite the fact that most of the vehicle seemed to be in front. The toy was pretty accurate to the actual vehicle, except for the addition of a T-bar to hold figures in the seat. When the Bike was re-released in the 90’s, the figures (Luke, Leia, Scout) that came with one all had bendable knees and hips.
Why should you get this vehicle? Five reasons:
1. Flying through the air at breakneck speeds and narrowly missing stuff? What kid wouldn’t want that?
2. Make alternate history: that Ewok steals the Bike and gets blown up.
3. A cheap vehicle and lots of them were featured in the movie? You have to at least get a couple dude.
4. Like many Star Wars vehicles, if you got it, you held out hope that your parents would get the actual pilot for it.
5. Easy to hold, so a vehicle with immense play value. What? I’m serious sometimes.
The Speeder Bikes featured in the movie were 74-Z’s, the military version of the 74-Y (of course!). Steering was controlled through the handlebars, and acceleration was controlled on the foot pedals. They had sensor and communication devices, as well as one for jamming commlinks. It also had a front-mounted rotating blaster cannon. They are built by Aratech Repulsor Company and have been around since the Clone Wars. They can reach speeds up to 500 kph, and heights up to 25 m.
151st in alphabetical order

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