Sabretooth (Marvel Select)

Marvel Select Sabretooth
If you want to see a more accurate look of the 1994 X-men Animated Series Sabretooth, then fix your eyes on this one, because this here snatched all those features. His hair is pure bright yellow, he got these big lower incisors exposed, plus he's tall... and pissed; he's just like the Sabretooth I know coming out from a T.V. screen! The MS Wolverine too has this animated look like Sabretooth here. Although the articulation is a bit of a bummer, this figure is not really that bad! Marvel Select Sabretooth is not as bad as the MS Thor, but definitely not as good as the MS Movie Captain America. A collector like me would always want an agile fighter like Sabretooth to be more poseable for better display.

And speaking of display, this action figure comes with this base where you can have him attached to its pegs. The detail on the base actually looks gorgeous; it got a metallic wash and came with this "Caution" sign that you can just throw wherever you like. As for Sabretooth, I think the sculpt on his head and body parts just looks amazing. I like how Marvel Select put a little bit of detail unto his clothes; giving a little bit of life to his cartoonish look (I still can't stand his hair).

Moving on to articulations. I did spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get him into a crouching stance as if he is preparing for a fight. The problem with his legs is that the knees are not double-jointed, and his legs spread outward every time you raise them up but... I managed to get this big cat to prey. His hunched back has helped alot in achieving this pose, and although he got these "spreading legs," the knee swivel and ankle swivel remedied this problem, but I still think these legs needs some improvement.

I don't have a problem with his arms; the wrist can move up & down and do a 360 swivel, and so he's got enough articulation in there to rip some guts out. Oh by the way, those claws and those shark fins at the back of his elbows are a little pointy and may cause injury, so have your kids handle him with caution.

With a perfect camera angle, you can get a great photo of MS Sabretooth together with some Marvel Legends figures but still you can't deny the fact that he is too big and not really in scale once you have him stand side by side with Legends like Wolverine and Colossus, and others.

Not making friends, are we?

This figure came out couple of years ago. I bought this guy just this year and I'm actually working on getting some of those old and worth keeping Marvel Select figures. And with this Sabretooth, I probably would keep him. I definitely recommend this guy and advise you to add some tone to his hair.

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