Jungle Hunter Predator (NECA)

NECA Jungle Hunter Predator
The hunt is on this 2015, and I'd like to begin with the Jungle Hunter Predator to kickstart all that toy hunting which I will be doing again for this year. May this figure be the perfect inspiration and symbol to my toy collecting hobby. Speaking of "inspiration", the Jungle Hunter is the one Predator figure to which inspiration was drawn to create all these NECA Predators. I finally got to assess this bad boy after almost a year of keeping it inside a box and I'm so happy to post it in this blog.

Just in case you don't know, this is the killer-E.T. which slaughtered Dutch's team of mercenaries (except Dutch) in the very first Predator movie. I actually never knew it was called the "Jungle Predator" not when I purchased this figure! So it was quite interesting how they come up with such a name. Maybe I guess this Predator do all its hunting and killing in the jungle- that's a simple way to explain.

Anyways, origins were made from this Predator figure. This is the body mold used for the Wasp Predator, the Big Red Predator and other Predators in this toyline.

When you take a close look, all these Predator figures are the same. The only differences are the paint applications, the accessories and sometimes, the head sculpts. Witness the vanilla-looking features as it has this light brownish skin with some dark (almost black) pigmentations and it's signature bio mask. The bio mask and armour got some gunmetal paint applied to it in addition to being reflective. Like many Predators, Jungle Hunter has its little trophies (or whatever they're called) strapped across his body as well as his loin cloth as a separate piece.

Being one of the earlier Predator figures released by NECA, the Jungle Hunter got a really good accessory. It has a plasma cannon that is removable and could slide smoothly through that slot over its shoulder making it easy to attach. Adding to its playability are retractable wrist blades that were housed to his right gauntlet.

The articulation on this figure is standard and like with all NECA Predators, not that greatly articulated. Its head doesn't move forward or back that far but can rotate sideways. It got rotation at the elbows along with its single joints which I despise the most, and no bicep rotation. It got waist swivel and T-joints at the hips but no thigh rotation. Double-joints to the knees, hinges to the ankles which allow to bend and rotate... and pivot are also incorporated.

When it comes to recommendations, there is no need to put too many words for you to get the iconic Jungle Hunter. It is the Predator that every collector of these toys and fan of the movie should have.

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