Iron Fist (Marvel Legends)

Marvel Legends Iron Fist
The Iron Fist's primary assets are his martial arts skills and his indestructible hands, and you gotta love the way Hasbro has added emphasis to this guy's hands. Too much emphasis that it appeared to be swollen. I don't know if I'm the only one seeing this but Danny's hands are too big to be part of his lean muscular arms, and I'm not really liking it. But even with all the "hand issues", Hasbro made a 6-inch scale Iron Fist that surpassed the one from Toy Biz in terms of the overall looks. He is obviously the better Iron Fist!

Being part of the Marvel Legends Odin Build-A-Figure Wave along with Hawkeye, this White Iron Fist comes with Odin's or King Thor's left leg. He also comes with four pairs of swappable hands that you can peg easily into his wrists. The hands are well sculpted albeit rather not perfect. Iron Fist got the judo-chop hands, clawing hands, the "claw of the crane" hands (I guess that's what they're called), and the clenched fists.

Having all these types of hands, Iron Fist can execute almost any kung fu moves! And with this ancient style of martial arts, comes an ancient type of body mold that I thought Hasbro won't probably use... but there it is. The Daken (the Dark Wolverine) body mold from the Return of Marvel Legends Wave 2 has returned and this time, it got the new Marvel Legends ankle pivot.

What I like about this body mold, articulation-wise are the shoulder blade joints that allow his shoulders to move forward and back. What I don't like, however is it still uses the ball-hinged hips which doesn't really work as beautiful as the T-jointed hips. Also, this body got this big depression at the ab crunch section thus ruining the sculpt. The good thing is this guy is almost as poseable as the Toy Biz Iron Fist.

The main highlight and the only part that impressed me with this figure are the colour scheme and paint application, apparently because for me, the White Iron Fist, with his gold and white suit looked a lot awesome than the Green Iron Fist or the Red one. A few colour shadings of baby blues can be seen throughout his shoulders and torso, and the mask has that black paint surrounding the eyes; applied over his bandana.

The little piece of soft plastic that's hanging from his gold bandana got no articulation unfortunately. The extra piece of plastic with it's windswept effect that's hanging from his belt is also not articulated, which would have been nice if it is. Since Hasbro provided this figure with several accessories, it would have been nicer if they have included some flame effects that goes along with his hands. That would have at least mask Iron Fist's oversized hands which I've mentioned earlier.

Even though with all his issues, I'm very happy that we've got another Marvel Legends Iron Fist with his current suit, and thank Hasbro for doing it. His hands and the reuse of the Daken body mold may be a letdown, but it still blows the Toy Biz Iron Fist out of the water.

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